Dear Shareholders

In the year 2023, the Thai economy continued to recover from 2022, driven by the recovery in private consumption and the expansion of services, particularly in the export sector. Private sector investment accelerated, and despite a slowdown in government consumption and public sector investment, the tourism sector continued to expand in some countries. This was observed in both international and domestic tourism, facilitated by the relaxation of COVID-19 measures and tourism promotion policies in various provinces. However, the overall economy still faced pressure from the interest rate policies of major economies, including the United States, Canada, the European Union, and the United Kingdom. Additionally, the People’s Bank of China maintained a coordinated interest rate policy with efforts to inject liquidity into the system, reaching its highest level in seven years to support the domestic economy.

In 2024, it is expected that the Thai economy will continue its recovery, with various economic indicators returning to or surpassing pre-COVID-19 levels, especially in terms of consumption and household income. Thailand is poised to benefit less from the global economic recovery than in the past due to reduced competitiveness and structural issues. This situation is expected to increase the role of technology in Thai businesses, particularly Generative AI. While Thailand is still in the early stages of adopting AI, 2024 is anticipated to be a year where businesses explore ways to leverage AI to enhance organizational efficiency.

To accomplish the common goal for the Board of Directors, the Executive Board, executives, and all employees in delivery of stable and sustainable growth, the Company therefore determines to conduct business under good governance and risk management with considerations, responsibility, and responding to all stakeholders suitably together with social responsibility and reduction of environmental impacts. In the past year, the Company has constantly conducted several social and environmental activities under the guideline of “Develop Quality People and Promote Moral Society”, abided accordingly by the company for a long time. Emphasizing “Develop Quality People” on both internal and external resources and encourages its employees to continually learn and improve their competency. For “Promote Moral Society”, the Company encourages its employee to initiate value creations to society by stimulating mindset of volunteering, helping, sharing, and passing merit to society.

On behalf of Samart Digital Public Company Limited, the Board of Directors would like to express our sincere gratitude to all shareholders, customers, business partners, executives, employees and all stakeholders for their support and trust. This is the driving force behind the Company’s business. In return for every trust, the Board of Directors, executives and employees will commit with full capabilities in delivery of products and services that focus on creating technological innovation and value for customers to meet various customer needs as well as support to promote good relations with customers and business partners for sustainable mutual growth. The Board of Directors will oversee business operations in accordance with the Company’s strategy and policy with regard to all stakeholders under the principles of good corporate governance together with participation in social and environmental responsibility for sustainable growth of business.                                                      

Mr. Piyapan Champasut 
Chairman of the Board of Directors       

Mr. Watchai Vilailuck
Executive Chairman